Broccolini for Stomach Fire and Water Retention.

Food ep2_broccolini.png

Taste: slightly bitter and acrid.

Channels: ST, LI, GB.

Actions: clear heat, move/drain downward

Broccolini is slightly bitter, which energetically invites us to let go and clear. It gently clears heat (inflammation). If you have too much “stomach fire” (your acupuncturist can diagnose it via pulse, tongue, etc) broccolini is the very helpful cooling green plant. “Stomach Fire excess” includes such symptoms as reflux, nausea, frequent stomach upset, burping, uncontrollable hunger, excess worry. etc.

It stimulates descention (moving downward). So if you suffer from food stagnation (bloating or feeling very full after eating even small amounts of food) or constipation, then I highly recommend to avoid broccoli and substitute it with broccolini or broccoli rabe. 

Because it is slightly bitter, broccolini may help with unhealthy water retention (edema, water weight). During humid damp later summer months, when even wooden doors expand, many people also retain additional water. In Chinese medicine, damp weather is one of the external causes of disease.

The easiest way to cook is to steam just for 1-2 minutes. As soon as they change color to bright green, get them on the plate, add few drops of good extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle with good quality salt, and just a few drops of aged balsamic vinegar.


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